Business Software Alliance increasingly targets small companies in software piracy suits – that means you!

You probably have not heard of Business Software Alliance, so it might be good to understand that their clients are companies such as Microsoft, Adobe, and Symantec. The service they provide is to be a watchdog for companies that are running illegal copies of the software that is running today on most computers in the world. Well, maybe watchdog is an overly tame word, how about attack dog. BSA is increasingly targeting small businesses says the Associated Press.

The typical modus operandi is to send a demand letter asking for some thousands of dollars with a threat to sue. Once you have received this letter, it would be unwise to ignore it because they are not bluffing. How do they know someone in your company is using software illegally? There is an increasing amount to ways to find out. The most heinous is that applications are now being built to phone home – in other words, they use the Internet as a communications vehicle to check on the serial number of your application. If they find that more than one person is reporting the same number, they dig a little deeper. The danger here is that you are saying to yourself right now that it only happens to someone else – the problem is that is increasingly true. Eventually, they may catch up with someone in your company that happened to just innocently grab a copy of _____________. You fill in the blank.

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