Dell has just announced they will start selling Google’s enterprise search appliance offerings. The Google Mini, aimed at small to mid-range companies or web sites and the Google Search Appliance aimed at the upper echelon on corporate IT and high document web sites. Google has been selling the appliances for over 5 years now, with the fifth generation just released this past October. I used one for almost 5 years for both, a variety of web sites, and as a search tool for the enterprise, with great success. I have to say that the little blue box hummed along without a hitch the whole time. Now that Dell is acting as a VAR for Google on the appliance side, what might we see next? Is Google far off from making a run at Microsoft at the enterprise desktop level? The competition can only be good for all of us!!!

The second bit of news making the rounds on the wire and in the blogsphere is the possible release of GDrive or MyStuff, whichever Google brands it… Google is preparing its online storage system for the masses. Microsoft is a bit ahead of the game with the Windows Live Skydrive which is aimed at the home user while Amazon has their enterprise level S3 system, which is a system they have built for the developers of the world. Google apparently plans to attack with a completely browser based solution. I can foresee some issues with this service: it is reportedly a subscription based service, and most of us are used to free services from Google with ad supported business models, where do we draw the line in the enterprise when it comes to a service such as this where clearly an employee can simply upload and and all documents they might wish, and lastly this is obviously where the network is headed, distributed operating systems with distributed data storage; so how do we deal with this new paradigm?

The interesting Website of the day is: — As we head in to the heart of the political season here in America take a look at this site. It acts as an aggregator of all political news, events and commentary while forming a large community for politically minded people from all across the US. Much like the Wikipedia anyone can edit any page and then editors decide to post or decline the edits. can also notify you when news breaks about any topic, including your favorite candidate.