The Outboard Brain and Me

When I work with people in the education space, the conversation invariably gets around to the subject of kids in school and the devices they now carry. Some years back there was a lucky handful of K thru 12 students who would bring their laptops to school. They were not [...]

2016-10-30T06:08:17-05:00March 28th, 2011|Categories: Technology|

Reputation Roulette – The New Reality

Time was, you made your reputation over many years, and only people that came in contact with you, or those close to you, would have any idea what that reputation might be. We first got indoctrinated into the reputation culture in high school where both young men and women could [...]

2016-10-30T06:08:17-05:00March 21st, 2011|Categories: Technology|

Badvocacy – What Will We Do When Consumers Attack?

When I talk about online reputation management with audiences, I continue to get the questions about how to handle the unfair, unwarranted, or untrue statements that a customer makes against an organization. My first thought is always to say, “you haven’t seen anything yet.” We are just in the very [...]

2016-10-30T06:08:18-05:00February 27th, 2011|Categories: Technology|

Application Epidemic – The Infection We Choose

When there is an app for everything, and many of them are free, we overindulge at times. Depending on how old you are, you might remember (as I do) the old days when there were very few software applications for our personal use, and each one of them was expensive. [...]

2016-10-30T06:08:18-05:00February 16th, 2011|Categories: Technology|

Harvesting Knowledge – What Kids Need to Know

When I was a kid, we were told that it was critical to learn the three R’s – reading, writing, and arithmetic. Set aside the oxymoronic fact that these do not all start with R, and ask yourself the question “what is critical for kids to learn today?” I have [...]

2016-10-30T06:08:18-05:00February 2nd, 2011|Categories: Technology|

Rating Systems – the World Becomes Naked

I am pretty sure that most people in the world have not given a lot of thought to the exploding dynamic of online rating systems. is becoming a rating site standard for just about any service or professional that you might want to hire in your city.  There are [...]

2014-08-27T16:32:36-05:00January 27th, 2011|Categories: Technology|

Generation M

“Generation M, born after 1982 – mobile, multimedia, multitasking – are already showing their distinctive differences. One of these differences is the advent of the supercommunicator. There is growing evidence that the internet augments physical relationships rather than displaces/replaces them. We do have to worry about the digital divide risk [...]

2016-10-30T06:08:18-05:00January 22nd, 2011|Categories: Technology|