Digital Plumbing, Part Three

OK, here is the final section of the digital plumbing series…  I mentioned that we have been building a model that can be used to grade, and organize how a company does technology from a digital plumbing viewpoint.  We display it graphically as a pyramid so I will start at [...]

2016-10-30T06:08:16-05:00August 26th, 2011|Categories: Technology|

Digital Plumbing, Part Two

It takes a particular skill to step back from something that has been done a certain way for years, and reimagine a better way. It can even be difficult to evaluate the efficiency of a process that you have been doing for decades. Once it works pretty well, that fact [...]

2016-10-30T06:08:16-05:00August 9th, 2011|Categories: Technology|

Digital Plumbing, Part One

This blog will start a three part series that could be a great help to you.  I am writing this to help everyone that wants to have a new picture in their minds as to how technology works in an organization, and how to optimize it.  Get ready for some new ideas, [...]

2016-10-30T06:08:16-05:00July 24th, 2011|Categories: Technology|

Rapid Information Digestion

One of the foundational aspects of social technologies I talk about is the ability for a person, or an organization to use new tools to harvest huge amounts of information from the Websphere and pack it into our brains. I often regale people on the concept that it is a [...]

2016-10-30T06:08:17-05:00July 11th, 2011|Categories: Technology|

tR&D – Do it or Strangle Slowly, Part Two

Let’s finish up our conversation on putting the practice of Technology R&D into your organization. Just a reminder, the need for this has arisen because technology has crossed the tipping point to the place where it is having a huge impact on the prosperity (or not) of organizations. Couple that [...]

2016-10-30T06:08:17-05:00June 20th, 2011|Categories: Technology|

tR&D – Do it or Strangle Slowly, Part One

In decades past, the concept of Research and Development was strictly the purview of companies with a reason to invent new products or raw materials. Today, every company over ten employees better take a page from that history and come up with a system for Technology R&D (tR&D.) Whereas raw [...]

2016-10-30T06:08:17-05:00June 13th, 2011|Categories: Technology|

What Can Be Learned From Acquisition Roulette

It seems that cash rich companies in the tech space are forever gobbling up younger and smaller organizations. There is actually an eco system of tech startups that are built specifically to be consumed by one of the behemoths (hopefully.) In many cases, there is a lot that can be [...]

2016-10-30T06:08:17-05:00May 12th, 2011|Categories: Technology|

The Tragedy of the Anonymous Customer

For decades many organizations and professionals have done business with nameless customers. I was just struck by this fact while working with a new client that “sells” to millions of customers a year – including me – and they have no database of these constituents. When two ideas collide in [...]

2016-10-30T06:08:17-05:00April 25th, 2011|Categories: Technology|