Vocabulary (and the Social Quagmire)

OK, I am only going to write about this one time, and then I am going to let it go. I start every presentation I give on social technologies with the same slide, and each time I review it, the audience nods their heads as if to say, “now I get it…” This slide is a simple vocabulary lesson to try and bring some coherence and sense to the jumble of terms people are now using in the social space. It seems that each new day brings some new variation on an activity with the word social pasted in front of it.

The River of Information

One of the more popular areas I have been speaking about lately is the concept of a person creating an electronic river of information into their brain. I am surprised that more people are not defining this concept and investing energy into structuring it as a way to improve performance [...]

2016-10-30T06:08:22-05:00March 12th, 2010|Categories: Technology|Tags: , , , |

Social Media – The Players

With all the buzz about SocMed in the world, I thought I would take a shot at identifying the various players in this exploding drama. It is easier to comprehend a complicated subject like this if we simply look at the participants and what they love, and what they hate [...]

2009-09-16T20:03:15-05:00September 16th, 2009|Categories: Technology|Tags: , , , , , , , , , , |