The Holy Grail of Modern Marketing: Using a Customer Data Platform to Enhance the Customer Experience

The Holy Grail of Modern Marketing: Using a Customer Data Platform to Enhance the Customer Experience Wouldn’t it be great if you could … Send a customer, who has not purchased from you in 10 days, and is close to one of your restaurants, a push [...]

Systems of Record Isn’t Always Exciting but is Always Essential

Let’s be honest, systems of record (SoR) is not the most exciting of topics, especially when compared to its flashier cousin systems of engagement. Yet SoR is nonetheless critical to developing digital maturity. It is foundational to every business, no matter how "cool" other, non-SoR components, may be. The [...]

2020-01-28T22:20:47-06:00September 26th, 2019|Categories: Technology|Tags: , , , |